“History of Oakland Avenue Baptist Church”
Living and carrying the burden, given by the Holy Spirit, of a lost and dying community without the Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor George Higgins and his wife, Sister Fannie, established and founded the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Tabernacle Baptist opened its doors on March 21, 1976. Through prevailing prayer and powerful preaching, God began to move and do a work in the lives of people that would have an everlasting impact on their lives forever. Souls began to be saved, God began adding to the church, people’s lives were restored and a solid Biblical foundation was laid for people to build their lives upon.
The sanctuary was completed on October 9, 1978 for the purpose of holding worship services and for the preaching of God’s word. A two story educational wing was added later for the teaching of God’s word with the goal of helping everyone reach their full potential in the Lord. A third and final building was completed which has more class rooms, the church offices and a large fellowship hall. The name of the church was later changed to Oakland Avenue Baptist Church to reflect its location within the Johnson City area. With the provision of the Lord Oakland Avenue, formerly Tabernacle Baptist Church, is totally debt free and to that we say, “To God be the Glory”!
Oakland Avenue is an independent, fundamental, Bible believing and preaching church that is traditional in the area of worship. We use the AV1611, King James Bible throughout the entire ministry and our firm belief is that it is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God for the English speaking people. We also believe that anyone that comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, repents of their sin, trust Him and places their faith in the finished work of Calvary becomes a born again child of God.
Brother George Higgins passed away on September 24, 2010 and went home to be with the Lord Jesus at the young age of 83. His burden was then and is still ours today that people need the Lord and we want to be that group of people to lead them to the saving grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus.